Competitive Rowing

Do you dare to discover your limits and to push them? Can you drive yourself to go 120%?
And are you ready for an amazing year in which you are fighting for the honor of Vidar
together with your crewmates? Then competitive rowing ('wedstrijdroeien’) is something for you!

As a competitive rower at Vidar you are being trained and mentored by professional coaches,
you row at (inter)national races and you are constantly working on improving yourself and
pushing your boundaries. You row at top sport level and are trained to become a rowing

In your first year, you will learn the principles of rowing. In autumn, the selections are made
of the first year teams and coaches will guide and prepare you for the rowing season.
Eventually you will start races in the ‘eerstejaars klassement’ (first year classification) against the first year teams of other student rowing associations in the Netherlands.

In order to perform as well as possible, you and your crew train 5 to 8 times a week, you
learn to row as fast as possible whilst building a strong team bond. Besides normal trainings
at Vidar there are also training camps where you travel with the entire selection to Seville
for example. There you will of course make big steps with rowing, but you will also have a lot
of fun with each other! You do all this with one goal in mind: Be the first crew to cross the
finish line!

After your first season as a ‘wedstrijd roeier’ it is possible to continue rowing. You will then
row at even higher levels and get to know the ins and outs of top sport better and better.
There are even rowers from Vidar who started as a student and eventually reached
European Championships, World Championships and even the Olympic Games!


At Vidar you have the possibility to coach top sport rowing crews. The rowers train more
than 7 times a week and as a coach it is your task to guide your crew on the water as well as
on shore.

The coaches are supported by professional rowing coaches who not only guide the rowers,
but also the coaches. Vidar also offers a coach trainings. Here different subjects are covered,
such as: team dynamics, rowing technique, physiology, setting goals, etc. This way you are
fully engaged in top sports and you develop yourself in a unique way as a coach and
manager on a personal and professional level.


As a coxswain you guide your rowers through the most crazy situations in your first year. You
can make sure that a rower gives just that little extra power to be the first to cross the finish
line. You can do this by showing perseverance, determination and spirit. Within a few
months you can give the commands to 8 big men or make sure that 4 light ladies go
demolish the competition.

By being sharp every training, you keep an overview of the boat and you are the brain of the boat. You decide what is needed and which way the boat goes. When you say the right thing at the perfect moment, it can make a difference. Although a steering wheel itself cannot physically add anything to the speed of the boat, this can be done by means of motivating calls and sharp steering.

The coxswain society 'Lidskialf' has been set up especially to optimally support all the coxes of Vidar. The coxswains regularly accompany each other during training sessions and this way they ensure that all the coxes are optimally positioned at the start of a race. This way the experiences are passed on to each other.

‘Groot geworden door klein te blijven’
‘Becoming big by staying small’

T.S.R. Vidar

Beekse Bergen 5
5081 NJ   Hilvarenbeek   